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CUT THE BS with Chantelle Azzopardi-Brown: How can PR agencies support neurodiverse talent?

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In this season’s debut episode, Chantelle Azzopardi Brown – UK Recruitment Manager at Latte – joins us behind the mic to dive into the topic of neurodiversity in PR.

Many PR agencies say they want to increase the diversity of their team but face challenges when making this a reality. This episode is packed full of recruiter insights and actionable advice to help PR agencies nurture more inclusive behaviour in the recruitment process and beyond.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Why is neurodiversity important for PR?
  • What challenges do neurodiverse candidates face?
  • What can agencies do to make their recruitment process more inclusive for neurodiverse talent?
  • Simple ways to support neurodiverse talent in the workplace
  • Why do PR agencies struggle to hire/support neurodiverse talent?
  • How can neurodiverse talent support themselves in the interview process?

P.S. If you’re in the PR space and looking to hire or get hired, we’d love to help. Email: or get in touch via our ‘Contact Us’ page.


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